Saturday, June 20, 2009

Vedauwoo, WY

Enjoying a bit of sunshine, between periods of downpour and some impressive thunderstorms

Obviously a prehistoric artifact? Perhaps a spear or some sort of hurling device...

Another successful border crossing...

The insects don't seem too bad yet...

"Threading the needle" on Needles Highway - comes complete with gawking tourists...

Sylvan Lake

See if you can spot the "old man" on the cliff...

Assembling our new grill on inaugural cook out night.


  1. Love the new pics. Be careful with that ancient spear though Colleen! Awesome pic of Sylvan Lake and the "Flys on the Feet" was especially entertaining. I've downloaded them and plan to print a few for Gpa for Father's day! Keep the pics coming. Love and miss ya, Mom

  2. The followers are getting restless; we need updated pics! ;-)
